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Item nr: US0001 - YANK Magazine
US EDITION, March 23, 1945.
This magazine is in very good acceptable condition but is over 65 years old so there might be normal bumps, rips, edge wear or scuffs, all the pages are inside.
This one has the original mailing label attached.
€ 12,50

Item nr: US0002 - YANK Magazine
US EDITION, March 9, 1945.
This magazine is in very good acceptable condition but is over 65 years old so there might be normal bumps, rips, edge wear or scuffs, all the pages are inside.
This one has the original mailing label attached.
€ 12,50

Item nr: US0003 - YANK Magazine
US EDITION, December 29, 1944.
This magazine is in very good acceptable condition but is over 65 years old so there might be normal bumps, rips, edge wear or scuffs, all the pages are inside.
This one has the original mailing label attached.
€ 12,50

Item nr: US0004 - YANK Magazine
US EDITION, October 6, 1944.
This magazine is in very good acceptable condition but is over 65 years old so there might be normal bumps, rips, edge wear or scuffs, all the pages are inside.
This one has the original mailing label attached.
€ 12,50

Item nr: US0005 - YANK Magazine
US EDITION, September 15, 1944.
This magazine is in very good acceptable condition but is over 65 years old so there might be normal bumps, rips, edge wear or scuffs, all the pages are inside.
This one has the original mailing label attached.
€ 12,50

Original WWII Carlisle Model. Standard issue bandage in paper box with original celluloid wrapping. This will not fit in the individual pouches for each soldier (too wide). This is made for the set of pouches the medic's carried on the battle field and is part of the inventory. Excellent clean condition.
Manufactered by ''Handy Pad Supply Co.''
€ 5,00


Item nr: US0007 - WW2 issue LARGE FIRST AID DRESSING in white paper box with original cellophane. This box contains 1 of the carisle type large bandages. This will not fit in the individual pouches for each soldier (too wide). This is made for the set of pouches the medic's carried on the battle field and is part of the inventory. Excellent clean condition. Manufactered by ''CONVIENCE INC.''
€ 7,50


Item nr: US0008 - FIRST AID PACKET. Original WWII first-aid bandage in post-1942 red colored tin, with crystalline sulfanilamide. Unissued but may have some paint that has flaked off due to age and trans-oceanic voyage(s).
€ 7,50


Item nr: US0009 - U.S. WW2 first aid bandage wrapped in a wax paper.
On the package you can read "Swansdows ABSORBENT COTTON u.s.p. standard sterilized compressed the seamless rubber company"
€ 5,00


Item nr: US0010 - U.S. GARRISON CAP. (Overseas Cap) The Khaki cap in tan cotton worn with the cotton shirt and trousers. Has the regulation garrison cap insignia issued for all airborne personnel (enlisted man's). Authorized early 1943. Size 7 1/3. Has a name still visable on the washed out tag: FOUTS, has a ASN too but not entirely readable.
Good overall condition.
€ 35,00
Item nr: US0011 - Pair Vintage Bronze US MARINE SCREWBACK LAPEL PINS.
Screw back with original thumb nut and large washer. The pins are uncleaned & unpolished as found, in great shape. No makers mark, however, I researched this type of pin and the dates range from around 1939 to 1950.
Excellent condition!
€ 15,00 |
Item nr: US0012 - US Navy - Three All Hands magazines, March, April and May 1960. All with 64 complete pages.
Excellent condition.
€ 10,00 |
Item nr: NEW0001 - Boek "De Tweede wereldoorlog" Paperback, Dutch. The book is new and has never been used!
Excellent new condition
€ 5,00
Item nr: FR0001 - French booklet published after the liberation in Paris. The booklet is a complaint against the Vichy governement that cooperated with the Germans.
Excellent Condition
€ 5,00 |
You are about to see a part of my collection that consists of items that could be connected with the Nazi-regime of (pre) World War 2. I do NOT have any connection with the Nazi-regime or any other form of fascism, antisemitism or racism. All items that carry the Nazi signs from the Third Reich are merely meant as an object of collecting and I except of you that you will treat it no other way.
Item nr: GER0003 - WE GIRLS SING (Wir Mädel Singen) was the official songbook of the League of German Girls. Beside the song texts it included the sheet music as well as some artwork and inspirational pages for the differen seasons and holidays. The basicsong book was "Wir Maedel Singen", wich compiled service-related songs such as the song of the Hitler Youth and the national anthem, but also popular folk and hiking songs. It also included the notes sothe songs could be played on recorders or accompanied with the guitar
Song books and books with sheet music were very important during service in the League of German Girls (Bond Deutsche mädel) because singing and playing music were part of the "curriculum" so to speak.
100% Original book from 1944 in very good condition.
€ 15,00 |
Item nr: GER0004 - This is a 40 page well-illustrated Nazi magazine Wille und Macht - Führerorgan der Nationalsozialistischen Jugend (Determination and Might - Leadership Magazine of the National Socialist Youth), as published by Baldur von Schirach between 1937 and 1943. Contains a main article on some important theme as well as a photo section featuring people, scenery, art, architecture, etc.
€ 15,00 |
Item nr: GER0005 - Three different copies of the magazine published by the 'Reichsdienst des Reichsfrauenfuhrung'
Overall good condition
€ 12,00 |
Item nr: GER0006 - Signal magazine. Probably the most famous German wartime magazine. It was published in 20 different languages including English. Signal's modern design (including color photos) and format have been copied by many other magazines after the war. Dutch version
January, 1943, 2nd Edition
Excellent condition
€ 6,00 |
Item nr: GER0007 - Signal magazine. Probably the most famous German wartime magazine. It was published in 20 different languages including English. Signal's modern design (including color photos) and format have been copied by many other magazines after the war. Dutch version
March, 1943, 1st Edition
Excellent condition
€ 6,00 |
Item nr: GER0008 - Signal magazine. Probably the most famous German wartime magazine. It was published in 20 different languages including English. Signal's modern design (including color photos) and format have been copied by many other magazines after the war. French version
June, 1941, 1st Edition
Excellent condition
€ 6,00 |
Item nr: GER0009 - Signal magazine. Probably the most famous German wartime magazine. It was published in 20 different languages including English. Signal's modern design (including color photos) and format have been copied by many other magazines after the war. French version with Werner Mölders
December 1940, Special Edition
Excellent condition
€ 12,50 |
Item nr: GER0010 - Magazine about the German successes in the Western theatre. Full of pictures of the German triumph in France, Belgium and Holland. The magazine is a 'Sonderausgabe' which means it is a special edition which makes it a rather rare magazine.
No date
Poor condition
€ 10,00 |
Item nr: GER0011 - Der Adler ( The Eagle ) magazine was the official publication of the German Air Force from March 1939 till September 1944. Der Adler was published in German, English, Italian, French, Spanish, and Rumanian. Intriguingly, there was also a special edition of Der Adler in Arabic. The Der Adler was distributed every two weeks by the High Command of the Luftwaffe.
€ 12,50 |
Item nr: GER0012 - Der Adler ( The Eagle ) magazine was the official publication of the German Air Force from March 1939 till September 1944. Der Adler was published in German, English, Italian, French, Spanish, and Rumanian. Intriguingly, there was also a special edition of Der Adler in Arabic. The Der Adler was distributed every two weeks by the High Command of the Luftwaffe.
French Version; number 20; October 7; 1944
€ 12,50 |
Item nr: GER0013 - DKI: Deutsche Kurzschrift Illustrierte. Very rare magazine with articles in steno writing! On the cover is Desert Fox Erwin Rommel
Stuttgart July 28, 1942
Excellent condition.
€ 15,00 |
Item nr: GER0014 - Berlin hört und sieht magazine. German magazine with both military and civilian related articles. Has several cartoons making fun of Winston Churchill on the back.
Sunday January 28, 1940
Excellent condition.
€ 18,00 |
Item nr: GER0015 - Wiener Illustrierte magazine. Issued in Vienna from December 1941 onwards. A regular magazine for general population that among war photos included peaceful normal life pictures serving propaganda purposes to convince the population that all is fine and the war is going their way.
August 26, 1942
Excellent Condition
€ 10,00
Item nr: GER0016 - Wiener Illustrierte magazine. Issued in Vienna from December 1941 onwards. A regular magazine for general population that among war photos included peaceful normal life pictures serving propaganda purposes to convince the population that all is fine and the war is going their way.
July 14, 1943
Excellent condition.
€ 10,00
Item nr: GER0017 - Münchner Illustrierte Presse magazine. Was published in multiple occupied countries (Netherlands, Belgium,...) to keep the population up to date on the German war progress.
Volume 13; number 41; October 8, 1936
Excellent condition.
€ 10,00 |
Item nr: GER0018 - Münchner Illustrierte Presse magazine. Was published in multiple occupied countries (Netherlands, Belgium,...) to keep the population up to date on the German war progress.
Volume 18; number 43; October 23, 1941
Excellent condition.
€ 10,00 |
Item nr: GER0019 - Münchner Illustrierte Presse magazine. Was published in multiple occupied countries (Netherlands, Belgium,...) to keep the population up to date on the German war progress.
Volume 18; number 35; August 28, 1941
Excellent condition.
€ 10,00 |
Item nr: GER0020 - Münchner Illustrierte Presse magazine. Was published in multiple occupied countries (Netherlands, Belgium,...) to keep the population up to date on the German war progress.
Volume 21; number 5; February 3, 1944
Excellent condition.
€ 10,00 |